Adding and editing reference files






Ctrl+Shift+O (Windows)

Cmd+Shift+O (Mac)

You can reference data from DXF/DWG or DWF files in your project, as well as Revit, IFC, image, and PDF files if Vectorworks Design Suite is installed. In addition, from other Vectorworks files you can reference specific resources, or entire design layers. Vectorworks has two methods for referencing design layers:

In the Vectorworks Fundamentals product, design layers are imported into the target file when they are referenced.

In the Vectorworks Design Suite products, the Layer import referencing option is also available from the Settings tab in the Organization dialog box. However, the recommended referencing method is to create a design layer viewport and then reference the desired design layers from the master file, as described in Creating a referenced design layer viewport.

Referenced Vectorworks files must be the same version as the target file.

To add or edit references to other files:

In the active target file, select the command.

The Organization dialog box opens.

Select the References tab. Referenced files are listed in priority order, along with their current status.

Do one of the following:

To add a new reference file, click New.

To edit a reference file, select the file and click Edit. The Edit Reference dialog box opens.

If you clicked New, the Open File dialog box opens. Select the desired file, and then click Open to open the appropriate dialog box and set the parameters:

DXF/DWG, or DWF file, see DXF/DWG and DWF import options

Revit file, see Importing Revit

IFC file, see Importing IFC files

Image file, see Importing an image file

PDF file, see Importing PDF

Vectorworks file, see below

If you’re adding a reference to a Vectorworks file, or editing a reference, specify the parameters from the New Reference or Edit Reference dialog box.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Source File

Displays the path and file name of the referenced master file; if the Edit option was selected, click Browse to edit the file location

Save reference location as

Maintains either an absolute or relative file path reference from the active file to the referenced file.

Use the absolute path when the location of the referenced file with respect to the active file is not going to change.

Use the relative path when the files might be moved to another computer or platform; as long as the relative path between the files remains the same, the reference can be found. Both files must be saved on the same volume to select this option. If you’re using server-based project sharing, and the master file is not on the same volume as the Project Sharing Server, you’ll be prompted to upload the file to the server’s project folder.

The Source File path displays either an absolute or relative path, depending on the selection.

Layers Available

(Vectorworks file references only)

If you’re using layer import referencing for a Vectorworks file reference, specify the design layers to be referenced; selected layers are indicated with a check mark. Sheet layers cannot be referenced. This step is optional; a layer does not have to be selected to reference its resources. Resources in the entire referenced file are available through the Reference command in the Resource Manager.

Save referenced cache to disk

Saves a copy of the referenced data with the target file. When this option is deselected, a copy of the referenced data is not saved, which means that the target file size is smaller; the referenced data is updated when the target file is opened.

Automatically update out of date reference during file open

Updates the reference each time the target file is opened; when deselected, the reference is updated only when Update is clicked from the References tab of the Organization dialog box

Update class definitions

(Vectorworks file references only)

Updates class definitions along with the referenced objects that use those classes

Ignore source user origin

(Vectorworks file references only)

If you are using layer import referencing for a Vectorworks file reference, ignores the user origin in the master file; referenced objects will not change location in the target file if the user origin changes in the master file

Create layer link(s) on layer

(Vectorworks file references only)

If you are using layer import referencing for a Vectorworks file reference, creates a layer link for each newly referenced layer on the specified design layer; select the design layer from the list or select New Layer to specify a new design layer, set to the same scale as the first selected layer to reference

If you're using layer import referencing, referenced design layers can be used in a sheet layer viewport. Because sheet layer viewports cannot directly reference design layers in other files, reference the layers and then create a sheet layer viewport that shows the referenced layers.

Setting the referencing options

Prioritizing referenced files

Updating references

Correcting broken references

Referencing resources

Deleting references

Opening referenced files

Concept: Layer referencing

Creating a referenced design layer viewport


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